Friday, March 21, 2014

Why did people migrate?

Many people migrated in search of jobs, especially those that worked in a specialized profession. Others were forced to move, like the indentured servants of the China and India, slaves, and convicts forced to do labor. Imperialist states also brought tougher times to the working class, so many decided to leave in search of new work, better salaries and better lives for their families. In other instances, such as in Ireland, there was a famine which caused many people to migrate to new lands in search of food. Protestant persecutions of Catholics throughout Europe prompted many Catholics to migrate to America for religious freedom. Similarly, Muslim and Hindu quarrels within India near the end of the 19th century would eventually lead to the partition of India into two different countries in 1947: Pakistan, for the Muslims, and India, for the Hindus. After Pakistan was established as a Muslim sanctuary due to these quarrels, as Muslims migrated through Hindu towns and cities, often these two religious groups would attack one another. However, the Muslims knew once they made it to Pakistan, the everyday, immediate conflicts would be of less frequency and intensity.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good!!! Don't change at all. Great examples.
