Thursday, March 27, 2014

What were the important developments in transportation during the Industrial Revolution?

Many innovations were made during the Industrial Revolution. Some of the most important however were within the field of transportation. Some of these innovations were the steam engine, the telegraph, and the spreading of railroads. The steam engine allowed for a more efficient travel and a new found speed for those who used it. This was a key step in creating a faster more efficient way to travel, enabling Europeans to be able to reach China in only a few days. Telegraphs allowed for a drastic increase in the speed of communication between peoples. This is shown especially in Russia during the Crimean War. The telegraph allowed citizens at home to receive battlefront news faster and in greater detail than ever before. This also had a second bonus, adding to the feeling of unity among the people. Finally railroads also played an important role in the innovating of transportation. Railroads required many of the earlier innovations such as tracks and engines, including the steam engine. The creation of railroads allowed for a sense of tourism and world travel, and made warfare increasingly faster and more lethal with its speed to transport troops.  

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