Friday, March 14, 2014

How did Industrialization affect seemingly unrelated fields like socialstructure, culture, and economy?

Industrial Revolution took place along with a surge in productive activity. People worked longer and tried to find new ways to produce goods while creating many inventions. With this increase in productivity the population grew as well. An example of this would be Qing China, where the population grew from 160 million people in 1700, to 350 million in the course of a century. Also, in China life expectancy increased with the new dynamic economy. Increasing from 34 to 39 years. Also with the Industrial Revolution, workers could see their labor becoming longer and unsafe. In the workplace one goes everyday with the risk of losing a limb, an eye, or even their life. Finally the Industrial Revolution allowed for the creation of the White-Collar, which increased the sexual division of labor. This is shown in the fact that women were paid much less than men for the same job. Along with the Industrial Revolution created a dynamic economy especially with the Europeans new connection to the New World. The new crops introduced became popular world wide and also increased the standard of living. In China meanwhile, the economy started to flow with silver as Europeans used it to pay for goods like cotton textiles, porcelain and lacquer. The culture in places such as Europe greatly changed with the Industrial Revolution. Europeans were curious in how to copy Chinese goods. Partly because Europe did not have many goods people wanted to buy. Therefore they tried to copy to creation of certain goods like porcelain and eventually succeeded in the 1700s.

1 comment:

  1. Check your grammar in this post. What about social structure? How was this impacted?
