Friday, March 28, 2014

5.1 Timeline

1750- Industrializatiion begins in Britain
1769- James Watt creates the modern steam engine
1780s and 1790s- Interchangability of parts developed in France
1803- Denmark becomes the first Western country to abolish the slave trade
1814- George Stephenson puts a steam engine on a carriage on rails, creating the locomotive
1819- First Atlantic crossing by a steam engine boat
1839-1842- Opium War between China and Britain 
1842- Treaty of Nainjing opens Chinese ports
1853- U.S. ships enter Japanese ports
1865- U.S. Civil War ends, rapid U.S. industrialization begins
1868- Meiji Restoration launches Japanese industrialization
1871- Germany gains resource abundant Alsace and Lorraine after beating the French, helping industrialization.
1873-1900- deep global recession with uneven recovery
1890s- Argentina's leading textile manufacturer produces 1.6 million yards of cloth yearly
1891-1904- Constructuin of trans-Siberian railroad

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