Friday, March 28, 2014

How did industrialists legitimize the economic changes of theIndustrial Revolution?

industrialists started to legitimize the economy by developing different finaincial institutions such as capitalism and liberalism. Liberalism was favored by industrial growth and many of the middle-class industrialist were liberals. They favored freedom of trade, and were against goverment tariffs, monopolies, etc., and restrictions on wages which were favpred by many rural workers. Liberals wanted the government to put investments intoinfrastructures including the formation of railroads. Captilalism is what most think provoked the Industrial Revolution-"an economic system in which means of production are privately owned." Capitalism formed two class: workers, and owners, in the industrial era. This system made the owners wealthier without muc onvolvement of the government either.

Picture of Adam Smith, whom liberalists supported his ideas of personal freedom endorsed by the law

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